“…and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”
~ Vincent van Gogh
Someone once told me that my photos are like poetry, and someone else said about my poems that I write in colour. So now when I describe my creative work, I say that I write poetry with my eyes and take photos with my words. I also call it my heartwork. I use my art (in all its forms) as a way to connect and communicate - maybe in some way it will speak to you too.
My photos are usually something that has made my heart sing in nature, and my artwork is a little more abstract, sometimes inspired by what I see (externally or internally), other times by what I feel or sense, or even hear. All the photos on this website, including the ones in the blog section, are taken by me. You can follow my social media pages to see more of my photos.
If you would like to purchase any as prints (or original artwork) please get in touch. I also take commissions for my bespoke, biodegradable eco flower art cards.
Or, if you understand the eternal pull from the soul of a writer and artist of the need to keep creating heartwork while struggling to juggle all the other things we need to do to earn a living, and feel moved to make a donation, it would touch my heart deeply. Each of us is but a tiny droplet in this vast universe of ours, doing what we can, but drop by drop together we can fill entire oceans.