I see you
Belinda Raitt Belinda Raitt

I see you

I believe that we are here to evolve, to expand, and to help others to do the same. I am not a healer, you heal yourself. I am a seer, I see every part of you, even the parts you keep hidden from yourself, and bit by bit I help you to bring them to the light

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philosophy, coaching Belinda Raitt philosophy, coaching Belinda Raitt


Do you know who you really are? Are you comfortable with yourself, and with others? Do you let people be who they are, or want to be, without judging (perhaps silently, without even being aware that you are!) or trying to change them?

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From Me to you
Belinda Raitt Belinda Raitt

From Me to you

For the year ahead I ask of you only this:

Paint it in colours bright and bold,

Outline every crack in gold,

Fill it with laughter, free and loud, 

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