Since I’ve been living here in Portugal, I’ve been gradually rediscovering my creativity, finding my voice, finding myself, my medium, my frequency. I’ve started drawing, writing poetry and music again, even painting for the first time! Being able to spend time in nature, connecting with nature, working the land, breathing in the green, bathing in the forests and swimming in the river that flows expansively between the trees, combined with my passion for teaching yoga, allowed me to step out of my head and into my body, allowed me to discover what my heart had been trying to tell me for a long time, and what I was busily advocating to clients – that for us to find what brings us joy in life, our ikigai, requires us to slow down, to retreat from the hectic, distracting, non -stop life we think we must live, and start to enjoy the moment.

On these pages I’d like to share my philosophy of life with you, expressed through my writing, poetry, artwork and photos. Perhaps it might inspire you to listen to your heart more as well. If you enjoy what you’re reading and find it useful, you might like to make a donation, which will be hugely appreciated and enable me to continue to find the time to write and share and create, in between all the other things I have to do to earn a living!


The Art of Relaxscaping - How to find your ikigai is a gratitude journal based on the five principles of ikigai, which helped to keep me positive as I adapted to a new life in a new country during a global pandemic. Soon to be available in Portuguese too!

You can read more about my philosophy of life here on the blog

You can buy my artwork here on the Relaxscape Eco Loja too

Buy natural products inspired by nature from the Relaxscape Eco Loja