I see you
I am not a healer, you heal yourself. I am a seer, I see every part of you, even the parts you keep hidden from yourself, and bit by bit I help you to bring them to the light so that you can see yourself as I see you, in all your shining wholeness.
I believe that we are here to evolve, to expand, and to help others to do the same. We are after all part of the same greater consciousness and so we all grow and benefit when we share what we learn. What is the point of acquiring knowledge if we don’t apply it, use it? The same situations are presented to us over and over until we learn our lessons from them and learn how to approach our life and the people in it, the situations, differently. It is part of our evolution, our expansion process, to bring to conscious awareness the things we still need to learn, and the more we learn about ourselves, the more we grow and evolve. That said, we all have our own path to tread, lessons to learn, and we can only learn when we are ready to, just as no one can do our learning for us. All we can do is share our own experiences, and if it makes sense to others, they may also be inspired to evolve in that way.
Approaching life from your heart space and unconditional love does not mean you have to be friends with everyone, nor put up with other people’s behaviours or demands that conflict with your own truth. It means understanding that everyone is different, knowing who you are and what you need to live your life authentically, recognising when people vibe at the same frequency as you (or not) and setting the appropriate boundaries to protect your energy.
Step out of the drama, start to observe patterns, and then you start to see things shifting and realise the part you play in the whole of the life you are experiencing. Stay in it though, and you will continue to think life is somehow something happening to you, with other people driving it. We are the ones creating our reality. We evolve by exposing ourselves to new experiences, uncomfortable situations or truths, stepping out of our comfort zone, confronting our fears, dissolving them with love. Loving ourselves, integrating the dualities of life, balancing the yin and yang of existence. Make friends with your darkness, don’t hide it away. Without its shadow your light can’t be seen.
I see you. The real you. Your beautiful shining soul.