When did stuff become a thing,
This need to have so much?
To stuff our houses and ourselves
Full of stuff.
Stuffing it into every nook and cranny,
Then we forget where we stuffed it,
So we go out and buy more of the same,
Stuffing it all in,
Stuffing ourselves full,
Constantly thinking about or talking about
Or buying or cooking stuff
To stuff our faces with,
Except for some strange reason,
It never seems to fill us up,
We still feel empty,
And we keep needing more,
More and more stuff.
Stuff has become synonymous with
Wealth, showing off, Elf on the Shelf.
Instagram doesn’t work without stuff.
You’re stuffed if you don’t have enough stuff
To keep up with the Joneses,
So that you can tell them to get stuffed.
Being stuffy means that the only way you know
How to express yourself is through
The stuff that you have,
Whilst being a stuffed shirt.
Being stuffy and being huffy often go hand in hand.
Every time something comes along
That knocks the stuffing out of us,
The only thing that makes us feel better
Is to go out and consume more stuff.
I wonder when we will realise
That it’s all stuff and nonsense.


From Me to you
