Today, the day after the Winter Solstice, will have a little more light than yesterday. And tomorrow, a little more again, until the days and the nights find their balance again. And we too can take our inspiration from Nature, since we are part of it and it is part of us. With every day that passes, we can consciously bring a little more light to our thoughts, to our actions, to our interactions with ourselves and others. Every moment, we have the opportunity to change how we think and behave. The past is gone and the future is only ever how our intention shapes the present moment. Every time we catch ourselves speaking negatively about ourselves, we can ask ourselves, is it true? And if you believe it is, practise allowing yourself some compassion and then forgiving yourself And then let that belief go, and replace it with one that is more encouraging. The more we start to release negative beliefs about ourselves, the more light we allow to shine out from our hearts, bringing the shadow back in balance.
The lighter we are in our own hearts, the more love we have to share with others. Our energy affects those around us. Just like when we plug something that draws a lot of energy into the electricity grid and it dims all the other appliances, when we find ourselves judging or complaining or criticising ourselves or others, we are dimming our own light as well as others. When we are trying to be perfect. When we worry that we are not. When we forget that we already are everything we ever need. When we are approaching life more from a place of fear and lack rather than gratitude and authenticity. When we forget that our light is always shining inside us, and that our vibration links us to everything that is. That’s the time to come back to ourselves, and remember that life is about balance, and that little by little, day by day, we have the power to chase the darkness away and make our light shine brighter.
And perhaps for some, this time of year makes us a little more reflective and conscious about the themes of love, faith, hope and renewal, but for me, balance is about doing our best every day, without any particular attachment to a creed or cultural tradition, so I wish you love and light today and always.